rhino horns for male enhancementI wanted to address a question that a reader recently sent me.

Is it true that medicines made from rhino horns are effective for increasing male potency?

Quite simply put, no. This is a ridiculous claim and one that I hate because of the unnecessary deaths of countless of rhinoceroses.

It is verified that rhino horns can cure many diseases and conditions such as high blood pressure or fever, but they are definitely not an aphrodisiac. Even in traditional Chinese medicine where rhino horns are still considered to be one of the most important sources for many prescriptions, they are not considered as an aphrodisiac or male enhancing drug.

This particular myth comes from the medieval times where the philosophy for herbs and medicines was quite simple: “If the herb or the source looks like something, it cures it.” For example, if the seed of a herb looked like a liver it was supposed to cure the liver. If it looked like a penis it should also heal or enhance the penis, etc. This is why “unicorn” horns were believed to be the best medicine for phallic problems and they were worth a fortune even if they were completely fictional (there were people who were ready to deceive those that were ready to believe in them). According to that philosophy tiger’s penis was a really good medicine for erection problems and of course rhino’s horn was believed to be one of them as its shape was close to a penis.

Even though rhino’s horn had nothing to do with improving your manhood, many people believed it did. Unfortunately, this wacky theory led to the hunt, mutilation and massacre of countless rhinos and almost led to the extinction of the species.

Luckily, most Asian countries have banned the trade of rhino horns and have taken measures to increase its population.

There are many ways to add inches under your belt, this however is not one of them. I hope this article deters even one person from purchasing medicine made from rhino horns.