increasing your ejaculate tipsIncreasing your ejaculate can be done naturally by following a few simple rules. The results will not be substantial as they would be if you were using a product like EJACUMAX but you can still get results without using any supplements.

Following all or even some of these tips will help you increase your sperm count and the volume of your ejaculations.


Here are some easy ways you can get more soldiers on the front line.

  • Drink Lots of Fluids. The amount of semen released during orgasm is closely related to the amount of fluids you intake. Lots of water is crucial to a healthy sperm count and of course heavier ejaculations.
  • Throw Your Tighty Whities Away. Tight underwear increase the scrotal temperature which ultimitaly causes lower sperm count. Opt instead for boxers or you can even go commando. Give your testicles freedom and they will reward you with a much higher sperm count. Try to keep your testicles cool at all times. Avoid hot tubs, heated car seats and any other direct heat to the scrotum. This will help ensure healthier and more plentiful ejaculations.
  • Abstain from Orgasm. By abstaining from orgasm for a day or two, you’ll enjoy much heavier ejaculations. You produce roughly 1500 sperms per second. Abstaining will help you amass a healthy supply of soldiers.
  • Avoid Soda. Men who drink soda have 30% less semen than men who don’t. If you can’t cut it out completely, at least try to minimize your consumption to a single glass of pop daily.
  • Try Kegel Exercises. Kegel exercises are great for the PC muscles and work wonders in increasing your output. Practice kegel exercises daily and you’ll reap many rewards. They aren’t just for women, men can benefit tremendously from kegel exercises too.
  • Butt-out. Smoking cigarettes or marijuana decreases sperm count significantly. Again, if you’re unable to quit, cutting down will also be beneficial in this case.
  • Get More Active. Exercising regularly ensures healthier ejaculations with a much higher sperm count.